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Bootcamp 7 Hits the Ground Running

Seedlab Australia’s Bootcamp 7 kicks off next week, and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the newest cohort of businesses joining us. This time, the Bootcamp is host to a diverse collection of 49 businesses, covering everything from artisanal food products to eco-friendly household essentials, and some unique surprises in between.

In anticipation of commencing, we asked our newest Bootcampers what they were excited about. It’s great to read that it’s the practical knowledge, hands-on guidance, and vibrant community spirit that make Bootcamp a valued experience for small businesses looking to grow.

Their drive, creativity, and ambition reflect the very essence of what Seedlab Australia is all about. Here’s to a successful Bootcamp 7, and the bright future of these businesses on their journey towards success.

To be accepted into the Bootcamp 7 cohort group could not have come at a better time for Bendigo Brittle. We are ready for growth, but just not sure how to take the next steps. I have no doubt Seedlab will enable us to do this, based on graduates of the program I have spoken with. I’m excited and grateful for this opportunity and I’m 100% committed to positive outcomes.

Greta | Bendigo Brittle Pty Ltd

I’m excited to be part of Seelab as my business is ready for acceleration.  Seedlab will be instrumental in helping Black Doris set out on the right path towards growth.  Being a solo business owner, I’m really looking forward to having Seedlab “hold my hand” along the journey!

Laura | Black Doris Ltd

We are both honored and excited to be a part of Seedlabs Incubator Program. We look forward to working with industry professionals on improving and expanding our business, getting us closer to seeing Sheet Yeah! products in more households across the country.

Jacque & Todd | Sheet Yeah!

Being a part of the Seedlab program is a wonderful opportunity for us as entrepreneurs to build capability within our business. This valuable initiative will help equip us with essential skills needed to succeed as a consumer goods business in today’s world. We very much look forward to the journey ahead, and the chance to take Matakana Skincare to the next level.

Lara | Matakana Skincare

We’re super excited to be part of the Seedlab program! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to learn how to scale up my business, and further my mission to reduce ocean plastics by helping Aussies reduce their unnecessary plastic waste. In trying to disrupt the $10billion plastic toothbrush market, I need all the help I can get, and having Seedlab in my corner means the world to me.

Ned | The Turtle Tribe

I am absolutely thrilled to be included in this Seedlab Round. I’m looking forward to learning new skills and strengthening those I have worked so hard to build. I cannot wait to see where I am in two short months when I complete the program.

Kelly | Woodlane Orchard Pty Ltd

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of Seedlab Australia. To go from a farmers market to a national supermarket in the last few years has been beyond our wildest dreams and to now have the opportunity to be part of a renowned and competitive programme like Seedlab is the icing on the cake for us.

Nimeesha | Sobhna’s

We finally took the leap and applied for the Seedlab Bootcamp and to be included amongst some exceptional food and beverage brands is just so exciting. We’re so grateful to be given the opportunity to learn from this calibre of expertise.

Karyn | Sourdough Flakes

Get Involved

Bootcamp Round #12 applications close Friday 23rd May 5pm AEDT, so don’t hesitate. Get your applications in now.

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