fbpx Seedlab Australia | Helping Start & Grow Businesses to Supply National Retailers

Seedlab Australia

Seedlab Australia is a unique incubator and accelerator program supporting Australian and New Zealand FMCG businesses to supply national retailers.

Making Dreams Real

Seedlab Australia is a national Incubator and Accelerator program for Australian and New Zealand producers of value-added food, non-alcoholic drinks, and sustainably produced personal and home care products.

We’ll help you get your products and businesses retail ready. Our part-time, live online 6 week Incubator, and 4 month Accelerator programs are run by trusted, global experts with real world experience. We’ll support you to produce and pitch consumer products that meet more needs, and have truly unique selling points that consumers value.

Seedlab Australia supports startups, small and medium-sized businesses that are not currently supplying national supermarkets.

The Seedlab Australia programs are proudly supported by Woolworths, and provided at no cost to participants.

Here’s some of the experts we call on:

Latest News

  • Entering the last leg of 2023

    As we move into the final quarter of 2023, we’d like to take the time to reflect on some of the recent milestones we’ve reached and spotlight what’s on the horizon.

  • Seedlab Australia Cuppa and Chat

    Cuppa and Chat is where we eat our lunch together, and talk about anything from the weather, to kids, pets, business challenges and packaging options. We share nerves, questions, tips and tricks.

  • Seedlab Propagate

    Seedlab Australia is thrilled to celebrate the achievements of some of our recent alumni whose products have been listed with Woolworths.

What They Said

It’s truly a life changing program, Seedlab provides businesses support, basic tools and materials to start, grow and scale up business. The mentors have a wealth of knowledge and experience and the course materials covers all the areas you need to know in order to grow a successful business.

– Loredana de Simone | San Elk

The Seedlab experience has been pivotal for our business. The solid education, friendships and good times will be something I’ll hold on to for a long time.

– Mike Doyle | Hive & Harvest

Seedlab is a unique program unlike any in the country and I feel so grateful to have the opportunity to be part of this for my start up I Am Grounded. I can’t put into words how much Seedlab has taught me about my business and self.

– Vanessa de Murillo | I am Grounded

The challenging of scaling to supply Woolworths seemed insurmountable. Seedlab has made it not only possible but also my fondest hope. I would not have dared hope for this before Seedlab. Also I now know how to knock it out of the park if I do get ranged.

– Chrissy Flannagan | Queens of Chaos

The program provides a LOT of value to businesses early along in their journey who might not have learned about business, product, marketing etc. in their journey yet (the hard way, ha)!

– Christina de Lay | Altina Drinks

Acceleration in Action

  • Binda Botanicals

    Binda Botanicals is dedicated to crafting a Vegan Organic Sunscreen range that embodies their unwavering commitment to ethical, sustainable, and health-conscious products.

  • Fernglen Farm

    A family owned and operated pasture to plate business, Fernglen Farm, was founded by brothers Ben and Cameron alongside their parents Shirley and Jeff Ravenwood with daughter Baeley joining force 18 months later.

  • Kiwi Artisan

    Founded in Queenstown in 2020, Kiwi Artisan was formed for their fans who love to entertain their friends and family at home.

Get Involved

Bootcamp Round #11 applications close Friday 17th January 5pm AEDT, so don’t hesitate. Get your applications in now.

Become a Seedlab Participant

Register interest in becoming a Seedlab participant.

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