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Propagating Perfection

The Seedlab Program is designed to help businesses get their products retail ready, but some of them are already so close they only need a little extra help to get there. Four participants from Round 1 of Bootcamp are at this stage and have now become the first crop of Propagate – our Accelerator.

Propagate is an Accelerator Program where we provide 1-on-1 support to advanced business owners who are standing upon the precipice of FMCG greatness and only need assistance with the final finishing touches required to make their products ready for major retailers.

A position in Propagate is offered, not applied for, upon completion of Bootcamp, and seats are strictly limited at around 2-3 per Round. Four special businesses were selected from Round 1, from as far afield as Tasmania, New Zealand and Sydney. 

Big things are coming from these businesses and their products, so memorise their names and get ready to hear more triumphant news about them.

Get Involved

Bootcamp Round #12 applications close Friday 23rd May 5pm AEDT, so don’t hesitate. Get your applications in now.

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