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Bootcamp Round #2 is Underway

Things don’t stop at Seedlab! We’re getting Bootcamp Round #2 underway with 40 businesses from all across Australia. We can’t wait to get to work to help these businesses become retail ready and prepared to pitch to national retailers.


Victorian businesses


New South Wales businesses


Queensland businesses


South Australian businesses


Western Australian businesses


Tasmanian business

National Reach

We’re happy to report that this cohort includes businesses from almost every Australian state and territory!

Diversity of Product

This cohort of businesses produce a wide variety of products including value-added foods, non-alcoholic drinks, health & wellness, personal care, and pet care.

Diversity of Participants

We’re thrilled to report that 72% of the businesses in this cohort identify as totally founded or significantly co-founded by women.

Looking to the Furue

We’re excited and ready to work towards making dreams come true for this new cohort, to create opportunities to improve their businesses and products, and prepare them to supply major retailers.

I’ve heard from others in the small food business community that the program was really worthwhile. The program seems like a great opportunity to learn from others who have walked a similar path, and expand my understanding of potential pathways to growing our business

– Sally Stead | Wilderbean

Get Involved

Bootcamp Round #12 applications close Friday 23rd May 5pm AEDT, so don’t hesitate. Get your applications in now.

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