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Read all the latest news and program updates from Seedlab Australia.

  • Bootcamp Round 1 Comes to a Close

    We’re sad that Bootcamp Round 1 has come to a close. We’re going to miss the friendly faces and super shares from the enthusiastic participants, and we’re excited to see what comes next for their businesses.

  • Bootcamp Bringing Businesses & Experts Together

    The march forward with Bootcamp Round 1 is continuing at breakneck pace! Our industry experts are hard at work helping our participants to know what they don’t know, and make plans to get their products retail ready 🛒

  • Friendly Feedback from Friendly Faces

    It’s always a thrill hearing positive feedback from our participants! It’s a joy helping business owners develop their products and businesses to become retail-ready. Here’s what some of our Bootcamp Round 1 Participants have to say about the program so far.

  • From Our Brilliant Bootcamp Businesses

    Brilliance is the bread & butter of our Bootcamp Round 1 businesses! We’re thrilled to see the bonds forming within the group and between the businesses and our team. The energy in our 90 minute live discussions has been phenomenal!

  • An Early Update on Bootcamp Round 1

    Things are progressing well in Bootcamp Round 1! Our team and the program participants are having a blast learning about each other and sharing knowledge about food science, product development, and business growth 🍃

  • Bootcamp Round 1 is Underway

    We’re thrilled to announce that round one of Seedlab Australia’s Bootcamp program is now underway, and we’re so excited to work with businesses from all over Australia!

  • Seedlab Australia Interview on BRANDCORE

    The latest episode of BRANDCORE is a half hour interview with our director Dr Hazel MacTavish-West. Throughout the interview, Hazel discusses Seedlab Australia, Seedlab Tasmania, and many of the concepts that the programs cover, like product development and food science.

  • Red Cow Organics to Stock Woolworths Shelves

    The deal marks Red Cow Organics’ first supply agreement with a major retailer, and is a direct outcome from being involved in Seedlab.

  • Seedlab Australia Interview on ABC Country Hour

    Our director Dr Hazel MacTavish-West recently gave an interview on ABC Country Hour to tell the story of Seedlab Tasmania’s success and the creation of the Seedlab Australia program.