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Getting SMART in Bootcamp 2

We love hearing feedback from our Bootcamp participants about the program and how it helps them to improve their products and business operations. Here’s what some of our Round 2 Bootcamp Participants have to say about the program so far 🍃

Loving the program so far. Really forces me to go back to the first principles and think about the business from scratch. It is easy to lose sight of that in day-to-day running of it.

– Ambika | Spice Craft

We now recognise that our goals need to be ‘SMART’. We have learned so much in such a short space of time.

– Kate | Chocolique SA Pty Ltd

The Seedlab team are incredible and I am bursting with ideas and have changed my whole outlook on where I want to go with this venture.

– Lisa Guye | Teddy Alexander

Get Involved

Bootcamp Round #12 applications close Friday 23rd May 5pm AEDT, so don’t hesitate. Get your applications in now.

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