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Ugly Duck Fine Foods

Ugly Duck is an entirely female-run business and was founded by Michelle, who is dedicated to saving unloved seasonal produce.

Fuelled by her passion for reducing food waste, Michele’s motto is that superficial imperfections don’t matter; quality does. She collects fresh, seasonal, imperfect produce direct from the farm and creates small batch fruit spreads, chutney, relishes and fruit pastes – many of which have won prestigious awards for quality and taste.

Cultivate is intense. The learnings are super rich and could easily fill a full 12 month course. I am so glad we have access to the online academy, as I will keep coming back to it. Looking forward to all the future content to come! Thank you for everyone’s effort to help us grow!

– MichelleUgly Duck Fine Foods

Get Involved

Bootcamp Round #12 applications close Friday 23rd May 5pm AEDT, so don’t hesitate. Get your applications in now.

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