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Clean and Pure

Melanie and Mark Chapman established Clean and Pure in 2004, inspired by the natural skincare products they encountered in the Mediterranean.

Frustrated by the lack of genuine natural skincare options in Australia, especially for eczema sufferers like Melanie, they decided to create their own.

Clean and Pure offers a range of Australian-made, organic skincare products, guaranteeing safety, effectiveness, and accessibility.

Every ingredient and product is personally tested by Melanie, ensuring they meet the brand’s high standards of quality and gentleness.

I have been very impressed with breadth of business knowledge I have accrued during the Seedlab process. Whether from the targeted approach of the sessions, connecting with other like minded businesses or leveraging the experience, advice and knowledge of the Seedlab team, I feel the advantages to my business have been enormous and I’m very happy to be a part of the program.

– Janessa Rutter | Clean and Pure

Get Involved

Bootcamp Round #11 applications close Friday 17th January 5pm AEDT, so don’t hesitate. Get your applications in now.

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