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Alg Seaweed

Seaweed is a rich source of iodine and a creative way to add nutrition, colour, and umami flavour to foods.

Alg Seaweed’s range of condiments, snack bars and chocolate are dietitian formulated and made from organically grown seaweed harvested in Australia and Europe.

Dietitian Sarah recognises iodine as a common dietary deficiency, and her aim is to use seaweed as a delicious platform for enriching diets and promoting thyroid health.

Growing up in Asia, seaweed is a nostalgic dietary staple for Sarah, and she endeavours to get seaweed onto Australian plates in a way that is easy to use. Sprinkle Alg rainbow seaweed flakes onto a variety of dishes for a unique flavour that boosts nutritional value.

The Seedlab program has been a life changing 4 months for our business. We have engaged with business coaches before but the calibre of the Seedlab team and the speakers are exceptional, you can get allrounder information in just one place. From masterclasses to the Academy, everything is very organised. We also appreciate the opportunities to pitch to major supermarkets through the relationships between Seedlab and Woolworths. I am so glad that I took the time to commit to the program over the last few months. And as they say, the journey only starts now and we can’t wait to keep implementing what we learnt from the program.

– Sarah | Alg Seaweed

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Bootcamp Round #11 applications close Friday 17th January 5pm AEDT, so don’t hesitate. Get your applications in now.

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